Spain is one of the best countries to live in the world. And this is not only said by us but by dozens of studies carried out by prestigious institutions, and with great recognition. For example:
- Spain is the fourth best country to live and work according to expatriates, the workers that their companies transfer to another country for work reasons. That’s the conclusion of the HSBC Expat Annual Ranking (https://www.expatexplorer.hsbc.com/country-guides/)
- Spain is the third best country to live according to the BlakctowerFM Index, and the best country in the world to retire in retirement (https://www.blacktowerfm.com/best-eu-countries-for-retirement/#section04) .
- Spain remains among the 30 best countries in the world to do business, according to the World Bank (Read the full document here: http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/688761571934946384/pdf/Doing-Business- 2020-Comparing-Business-Regulation-in-190-Economies.pdf).
- Spain progresses and is ranked fifth in the list of the most valuable passports in the world that the specialized firm Henley & Partners produces each year (See the full ranking here: https://www.henleypassportindex.com/global- ranking).
- Spain has several Universities in the World Rankings, it has one of the best benefits in Social Security and Health, Better climates, better food, lower crime rate, character of the locals and openness to foreigners, etc. Spain achieves it: it is ranked as the 12th country with the best reputation in the study The reputation of Spain in the world: Country RepTrak 2019 by the Reputation Institute for the Real Instituto Elcano. The country rises two places in the general ranking (made up of 55 countries), going from 73.1 in 2018 to 75.6 points in 2019, reaching a “strong / robust” level on the RepTrak strength scale, similar to which countries like Japan (76.3 and 11th place) or Austria (75.4 and 13th place) get. It thus achieves a better score than powers such as the United Kingdom, Germany and France, in a ranking led by Sweden (81.7), Switzerland (83.9) and Norway (82.6) and in which the dominance of Europe, with eight countries among the ten countries with the best reputation (to see the full report you can click here: http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/92cb2b0e-d669-42ee-a85e-1e4dcf7f7378/ReputationInstitute_Elcano_Reputacion_de_Espana_en_el_epdfMck? = AJPERES & CACHEID = 92cb2b0e-d669-42ee-a85e-1e4dcf7f7378).
- What are the best countries for expats to live in right now? We found a great article in euronews.travel, which explains it very well. Find the article here: https://www.euronews.com/travel/2022/07/13/expats-rank-the-best-and-worst-european-countries-for-careers-social-life-and-healthcare
The Expat Insider 2022 report looks at 52 expat destinations around the world and ranks them according to the quality of life for expats. The survey asked expats about the ease of settling in, working abroad and personal finances where they lived. The famous web internations.com also speaks about it here: https://www.internations.org/expat-insider/2022/spain-40266
By browsing the different sections of our blog, you will find thousands of reasons why it is worth coming to live in Spain.
Immigration in Spain has been a phenomenon of great demographic, social and economic importance in Spain. The foreign population is usually concentrated in the areas with the greatest economic dynamism in the country, and therefore with the greatest need for labor. Thus, the areas of Spain with the highest proportion of foreigners are Madrid and its area of influence, the Mediterranean arc and the islands. In the case of community immigrants, many seek to enjoy a milder climate than that of their countries of origin; in this way, the residents of the European Union are usually concentrated on the coasts of Levante, Andalusia, Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.